Thursday, October 30, 2008

Here Goes Gary Again!

Gary Welsh over at AI, is yet again pimping Berg and Corsi's very incorrect arguments. Then Gary thinks he can deny his challenging Obama's citizenship but at the same time, then raise another "question" in his comments section, "well he is a registered voter tight?"

I will settle this once and for all, Gary you better listen, you might need to retrain in immigration law.

Obama gains his citizenship through jus soli, "place of birth". No matter how many years his mother lived abroad or he himself.

Obama lost the Kenyan citizenship at 21 following Kenyan Law. Which he didn't even know he had until later. He acquired that citizenship through jus sanguinis, "bloodline" through his father. Which under Kenyan law he retained until 21 as someone who held another citizenship, if he did not denounce his US Citizenship.

Obama never has lost his US Citizenship. Even if he had Indonesian citizenship through his step father.

Under the INA, he would have had to denounce his USC status AFTER the age of 18, to lose USC.

Now for arguments sake.

Say he was born in Kenya. Contrary to what Berg or Corsi or a plethora of other idiot bloggers have posted, His mother only had to live in the US a TOTAL of 5 years, at least 2 of which after the age of 14.

Not 10 years and 5 after the age of 16 as many have very incorrectly posted.

Which means Obama is still a USC.

Anybody wanna try to prove me wrong? I mean this is only my job, and immigration law is the hardest form of law to understand.

And a majority of Border Patrol dropouts are for failing "M" Law. And I passed with a 96% average.

This is also the reason Bergs case was thrown out, there were just to many errors in his filing to name. His main legal argument was flawed with erroneous statements as to the INA.


Here is Gary's rationale, "I never said he wasn't a citizen, he's just not a natural born citizen". Really Gary? So how did Obama gain this citizenship? Did he apply for citizenship through the old INS? Did he get permanent residency then apply for citizenship?

Because under the law Gary, he is considered a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN through jus sanguinis even IF he was born out of the country. Now what don't you understand?

Oh and Gary, I will post your comments, regardless if you do it anonymously or not.
I am not for censorship private or public.

Here's Gary's last response to my shoooting down his pathetic argument.

Nice try, but if you want me to believe you are registered Republican, then try using your own name for once instead of a pseudo name. Again, one more time, saying he is not a natural born citizen does not equate to saying he is not a citizen. What part of that do you not understand? You can be a citizen without being a natural born citizen. What I've stated are facts. Now, until you use your real name, you will not be posting another comment here. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Nice work, truth. Gary has really gone off the deep end on this one. He just overlooks the facts, such as those in your post and on factcheck.

truthblogger said...

Thanks, I see he hasn't stopped beating the dead horse of his incompetence yet.