Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is Gary Welsh Serious?

For someone who wants transparency and honesty, Gary Welsh over at Advance Indiana sure lacks it himself.

He has become a complete whore for the Republican hate machine and wackos inside it. Constantly posting false and downright lies about Barack Obama and his citizenship, along with a host of other inflammatory accusations.

I used to follow Gary's blog a few years ago, leading up to the Ballard win. But now he has become a sad commentary when you believe you are to important.

Gary routinely rejects readers comments based on anything that challenges his views. That is more communist than Obama could ever be.

Gary has even become ostracized by his own Gay and Lesbian community. Here is his most recent one.

Sen. Obama has deliberately avoided disclosing his adoption by his Indonesian stepfather. The Harvard law graduate understands the constitutional implications of not being a "natural born" citizen and the disqualification that not being one poses to becoming president of the United States. It is shocking that Michelle Obama would so matter-of-factly acknowledge a fact that her own husband has to date never acknowledged as true. A prominent Democratic attorney, Philip Berg, claims in a federal lawsuit he has filed in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania that Obama is not a "natural born" citizen and, therefore, ineligible to run for president. In his most recent court filing, Berg claims that Obama's birth actually took place in Kenya and not Honolulu, Hawaii as Obama has claimed, further raising doubts about his status.

What Gary fails to mention, is that nowhere does it say or did Michelle, that Obama was born anywhere than Hawaii. And further, even if he had been adopted by his Mother's ex-husband and had Indonesian citizenship, that would not prevent him from running for President.

Gary keeps bringing up Philip Berg lawsuit, which has gone nowhere....again. We have yet to hear one more thing from it.

So Gary, keeping stoking the fires of racial hatred and bigotry with "terrorist connection", the "Muslim Connection" etc.

And by the way Gary, Obama's father is Black, not Arab.

You would think a man who is gay, would be on the side integrity and character, not fanning the flames of bigotry.

Semper Fi


Well it appears that "African Press International" is a scam. Probably invented by Corsi of World Net Daily or Republican operatives.

I mean seriously folks, would Michelle Obama call up some random "news organization" that no one except Corsi and the right wing blogosphere just started talking about?

And what "news organization" uses wordpress to publish their stories?

Gary, you're being used, or you're being terribly dishonest. Or perhaps lost your fucking marbles.


SB said...

I agree with you on the merits of the "case," but API does look like a real reporting organization. Their archive goes back to 2006. Which doesn't make the story true.

truthblogger said...

Well Henry, you might be right. When looking through the archives there is alot of credible reporting although slanted on local issues politically.

Then all of a sudden there is this barage of bloggers posting on the site, and not actual "news" articles on Obama.

They appear to be real, but somehow recently co-opted.

Ther is still something fishy about it tough. After years of being an investigator, there is something that doesn't seem right.

Ther doesn't appear to be any news articles really critical of Obama.
So why would Michelle call them up out of the blue?

I mean, he has recieved far worse attacks in the US than a API based out of Europe.

SB said...

Oh, the phone call "story" seems bogus. But the website looks legit, an amalgam of pieces collected from various sources with the ocassional AFI-generated piece. It makes for interesting reading for those of us who know so little about Africa.

Last January they picked up some claims about Obama's grandmother claiming he was born in Kenya. And when Corsi tried to visit Kenya, they naturally ran pieces about that.

My wild guess is that WND put a link up to their site for one of those stories, and their hit rate soared. And they were hooked! It looks like they've been trying to keep the connection (and the attention) going ever since. They may have also been duped into naively believing that it really was Michele Obama on the phone.

Now they're like poor Joe the Plumber .. getting too much attention, some of it finally skeptical.

I'm surprised Matt Drudge hasn't picked up on it yet ... or has he....?

truthblogger said...

Henry, here is what I posted to the editor at API earlier.(waiting moderation)LOL

To the Editor.

Greetings, as someone who has worked in immigration, I can tell you the notion that Barack Obama would be dis-qualified from the Presidency for being adopted by a foreign national is wrong.

He is a natural born citizen of the United States, and meets all the requirements of the Immigrant and Nationality Act respective to his birth year.

Do not fall into the hysteria of racist people in the US that want to make him out to be a terrorist, a Muslim, Arab, or African.

This is pure hatred of color of one’s skin, motivated by conspiracy theorists and evangelical extremists.

Second, ask yourself, why would Michelle Obama call us? There have been many political attacks against Obama in the US that get alot more coverage than your online news feed.

What story exactly was she referring to?

Do you actually know it was her?

Maybe it wasn’t even her, really what threat is your news organization to Obama before this “phone call”.

Either you are being duped, or a willing partner in this fraud, and have much to gain financially.

It just seems to perfect for the right wing nut jobs. Their “October Surprise”.

Be careful, you might be in for more than you can handle. Your entire credibility may be at stake.

SB said...

Well said. I hope it gets seen amidst the avalanche of wingnut email they're probably receiving.

truthblogger said...

Well, unlike, Gary Welsh, it will be posted!